Water claims can be confusing to homeowners. Adjusters must possess insight to the policy to help their insureds.
ALM launches the third module in the Cannabis Insurance Coverage Specialist designation written by Chantal Roberts.
Learn about the value of active assailant insurance in this co-authored article with Nancy Germond, MA, ARM, AIC.
Minor Impact, Soft Tissue (MIST) claims involve minimal auto damage and allegations of significant bodily injury.
Marijuana and Delta 8-THC parody edibles are creating a new level of risk for customers and manufacturers.
Learn the dos and don'ts of reservation of rights letter in this article co-authored with Laura Meyer Gregory, Esq., CPCU.
Adjusters need to balance the need for mitigation and remediation against protecting the scene for an appraiser.
This article examines ways insurers can avoid legal holes—or stop digging if they fall into one.
History provides a great opportunity to learn from past mistakes to avoid repeating them today.
Confused about cannabinoids? Let's meet the family.
Proving the insured sustained a covered loss as a result of the pandemic could be nearly impossible for an adjuster
The Stuff of Dreams--or Nightmares? The Product Liability Claims Menace Lurking in the Marijuana Marketplace.
If Pinterest has taught us anything, it is that failures can be funny. But self-administered claims may not be.
Is it any wonder veterinarian malpractice claims are on the rise when owners spend $18 billion on vet care?
How Active Assailant Insurance Can Help Your Business Survive after a Mass Casualty Event
Why these security blankets aren't always what they're cracked up to be.
Viewpoint: What do Power Outages, Wildfires, and Vaping Bans Have in Common?
How is marijuana insured, and what happens when a covered loss occurs?